Valentine's "Afternoon Insider" place to find radio personality Greg Valentine's airchecks, resume, photos, showprep, 
	and marketing tips

Afternoon Insider

Today in radio, we've all been asked to do more with less.

But I believe we actually have more tools to use than ever before.

Cheap tools, too. Like email and the Internet.

In Cleveland, I developed a visually-exciting, content-rich eNewsletter, called the Afternoon Insider.

To the right, you see an actual edition sent to my large listener database.

It's a targeted mix of lifestyle infotainment and listener benefits, written in a voice that connects with my listeners on a very personal level.

And, it puts the station's logo (not to mention those listener benefits) right in front of the eyeballs of the very people who have Arbitron diaries in their hands!

My ratings in Cleveland show that this has been a very effective tool.

Just one of the many that I can bring to your station!

--Greg Valentine

Afternoon Insider logo. My design skills have improved. Future Insider logos will be better

Remember, there's a great opportunity for you to win $1,000 today! When you hear Q104 play "Wherever You Will Go" by the Calling between 7pm and 9pm, just be caller #4 at 216-578-0104. This is a secret contest, so we don't talk about it on-the-air. You're getting this info because you're an Insider! And, it's Free Scoop Night at Baskin-Robbins (Yay)! Where's the closest one to you? Click here and find out!

Rachel Loy


Ever since she was a guest on my show last week, people have been asking me how they can get her song.  Rachel Loy wrote "The Same Man" for her friend Matthew, who's serving our country in Iraq.  It's a song that's striking a chord with a lot of people.  You can download it free from her website.


 I still think the voting is fixed...shhhh, don't tell anyone I said that


Who's getting voted off America's top-rated TV show tonight? Everybody who responds to this poll with the answer that turns out to be right is eligible to win a Q104 American Idol Prize Pack! The choices: A) Clay Aiken  B) Joshua Gracin  C) Kimberley Locke  D) Ruben  E) Trenyce

 Our website doesn't suck, anymore!


The Q104 website has been redesigned and is now online!  Check it out right now! I'm confident you'll like the bright and attractive new look.  And it's loaded with the kind of interactive content you're looking for from your favorite radio station. Visit my page every day for the latest Showbizz Buzz!


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